Runtime configuration#

Through the notebook settings menu, you can configure how and when marimo runs cells.

On startup#

By default, marimo runs notebooks automatically on startup. Disable this by unchecking “Autorun on startup”.

When sharing a notebook as an app with marimo run, this setting has no effect.

On cell change#

By default, when a cell is run or a UI element is interacted with, marimo automatically runs cells that reference any of its variables. You can disable automatic execution of cell’s descendants in the notebook settings menu by setting "On cell change" to "lazy".

When the runtime is lazy, running a cell marks affected cells as stale but doesn’t automatically run them. Lazy evaluation means cells are only run when their outputs are needed. If you run a cell that has stale ancestors, those ancestors will also run to make sure your cell doesn’t use stale inputs. You can always click the notebook run button or use the keyboard shortcut to run all stale cells.

When should I use lazy evaluation? Choosing the lazy runtime can be helpful when working on notebooks with expensive cells.

When sharing a notebook as an app with marimo run, this setting has no effect.

On module change#

Enable module autoreloading via the settings icon (top right). When enabled, when Python modules that your notebook imports are modified, marimo reloads those modifications so you can use the latest version of your code. This works recursively, meaning that marimo tracks modifications for modules imported by your notebook’s imported modules too.

Autoreloading comes in two types:

  • “lazy”: automatically marks cells affected by module modifications as stale, letting you know which cells need to be re-run.

  • “autorun”: automatically re-runs cells affected by module modification.

Why autoreload? Autoreloading enables a workflow that many developers find productive: develop complex logic in Python modules, and use the marimo notebook as a DAG or main script that orchestrates your logic.